Tips to Write Your Legal Docs with Our AI Writer

Tips to Write Your Legal Docs with Our AI Writer

May 25, 2023

Details, details, details…

When creating a document with any AI engine, it’s best to give as much detail as possible. Any missed or even misconstrued instructions sends the document engine off in the wrong direction.

Best thing to do is to gather every bit of information you need to create your docs prior to starting.  A little prep goes a long way and ensures that you get back the correct document back with as little revision as possible.  It’s the revisions that take the most amount of time when getting your documents back from our legal team.

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Measure twice, cut once…

The old saying of measuring twice before cutting something was to ensure no wasted materials were left over, but more importantly that mistakes were kept to a minimum.

In the same spirit, as intelligent as Artificial Intelligence can be, giving the incorrect parameters for your specific needs will send back the wrong drafts and delaying your finished document from its review step.  So, be sure that what you’re inputting in our AI Engine is the correct spelling, the correct style of document and the correct restrictions or special uses are included.

When in doubt, reach out…

Sometimes we need help in completing our tasks, and with our AI Writer, it’s no different.  Any time you have a feeling of uncertainty, reach out to our team and ask questions.  Most emails are responded to within 1 business day and up to 3 business days for complicated situations.

This list can go on, but these three tips are the ones that will help you the most when using our docu writer.

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Get Your Legal Docs Fast And Easy With AI Backed By Real Attorney Verification.

Get Your Legal Docs Fast And Easy With AI Backed By Real Attorney Verification.

Our library of legal docs is at your fingertips, powered by AI document creation and attorney verification.